Friday, November 30, 2007

I'm glad we don't have to resort to this....

I watched the premiere of this adventure the other night. A friend of mine and his mates put together this excellent movie of their summer 'dirt skiing' adventure - pretty tough guys, for sure. The full video is on Youtube as "parts 1 and 2", don't miss it after playing this preview. For those that don't recognize some of my favorite local biking and climbing spots in their "approach" to the cone, there is a whole lot of local humor here. Enjoy

Monday, November 26, 2007

Giving Thanks for good surf...

Clandestine Video from an 'unnamed left point'

The local vibe was 'less than friendly'

but we got some waves anyway...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Choices, Choices

With some good snow on the ground, I left for a November surf trip to the good 'ol Oregon Coast. After the storm, the typical offshore pattern sets in, and on the trip over, I was greeted with a fresh coat of snow...
But I was on a mission for another type of sliding, as Mt. Bachelor only reported 6" from the storm. Here's a shot from tonite, with some building swell wrapping into the local reefs here.
Plenty to be thankful for here, how about you?
Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The rest of the surf shots....

France surf shots are on flickr: It sure was good to get some surf, and Paris was a wonderful end to the vacation. Great to be back in Bend, OR climbing, biking and waiting on the snow to come for some good POW turns....