Thursday, December 28, 2006

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Leuthold Couloir - Mt Hood

Brent McGregor and I climbing Leuthold Couloir on Mt. Hood a couple years ago. Snowboarding down from the top was another one of the funnest "dumb things" I've ever done

Mark and Scott shredding Pine Marten

A good day in Mid-december with Scott and Mark

A little bit of Heaven here in OC

Overhead surf in Salt Creek means Matt is a happy boy in "the OC"

Jim and Jen on the Cone

Cinder Cone - Mt. Bachelor with Jim and Jen Gross Gettin' the goods!

One of the Failed Backflip attempts

Tryin' a backflip on the way to the cone (this one didn't go, but another one did)

Monday, December 25, 2006

Endless Couloir-Jackson Hole Backcountry

The infamous Jackson Hole Backcountry Boarding video from Endless Couloir - One of the funnest "dumb things" I've ever done...

Some Recent Snow Shred Videos from Mt. B

Hey all, here's some recently posted "rough cuts" from the past couple of good days at Mt. a few random videos from the past...